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Despite the improvements in addressing inequality between men and women ver the past 30-40 years, there is still along way to go in realising real equality. Getting more women into politics is part of the process of making more headway in relaising the goal of gender equality. We need more women in politics now more than ever, as globally the position of women has declined sharply as globalisation has resulted in the increased feminisation of poverty in Europe and world wide.
This project brings together national/regional NGOs who have a well established track record in promoting gender equality alongside a range of national political parties who wish to address the issue of gender equality.
Balkan Assist Association (BG)
Committee on Equal Representation of Women and Men in Politics, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (CZ)
Ms Pakosta, MEP (EE)
European Projects Unit, KMOP (GR)
Regional Social Welfare Resources Center Budapest (HU)
Ms Deiana, SEL (IT)
Coalition for Gender Equality in Latvia (LV)
Gender and Equality Policies (LT)
Intercultural Institute of Timisoara (RO)
Alliance of Women in Slovakia (SK)
Institute for Social Creativity (SI)
President of Liberal Women of Sweden (SE)
Ballybeen Women's Centre (UK)
Objective: To achieve greater participation by women (under 35) in voting in the European Parliament elections and becoming candidates.