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Education and training support services
The Ballybeen Women’s Centre is a first step back into education and training for many women. We aim to provide women with increased self-confidence and skills to enable them to avail of education and training opportunities thus enhancing their employability and decreasing their social and economic exclusion. In doing so we offer an integrated range of support services to participants on the Education and Training Programme:
- An informal and supportive learning environment for women.
- High quality free crèche provision.
- Flexible timetabling of education and training courses that take account of women’s domestic, family and work responsibilities.
- Accessible education and training in terms of cost.
- Accessible education and training facilities for the disabled.
- The support of an Education and Training Officer to assist women in identifying their needs, appropriate progression routes and in job search skills.
- An Essential Skills facility to assist women in improving English and Maths Skills.
- An extensive resource library.
- A computer suite for use both by participants on ICT and non-ICT courses.
- An Outreach and support worker to reach the most marginalized and socially disadvantaged groups and encourage them to avail of the services within the Centre.
Women are also supported and encouraged to progress onto further education/training and into employment. In the identification of progression routes, the Centre acts as a feeder for